GP Connect Get Record FHIR API Implementation Guide

Change History

Version: 1.0.0; Status: RC1

Phase 4

Minor version numbers for all artefacts removed.

Resource Changes - each profile now has additional information to show changes against the baseline resource.

Composition profile amended to mandate one instance of section entry.

Patient profile extended to make all remaining elements optional.

Practitioner profile extended to make all remaining elements optional.

Organization profile extended to make all remaining elements optional.

Device profile added to support author of Composition. Device Type fixed to transmit SNOMED CT UK code.

Value Sets - new value sets added to support the following vocabularies:

  • Administrative Gender
  • Administrative Gender DDMap
  • Care Setting Codes SnCT
  • CDA Care Setting Type SnCT
  • CDA Relationship Type
  • Document Type Codes SnCT
  • GPConnect Error or Warning Code
  • GPConnect Record Section
  • Human Language
  • Marital Status
  • SDS Job Role Name

READ V2 and CTV3 coding slices added to existing items using SNOMED CT.

All associated XML examples updated, new XML examples added to support additional Patient scenario.

CareRecord operation name prefixed with 'gpc.' Parameter 'recordSection' has been mandated and the datatype changed to CodeableConcept.

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft D

Phase 3

Phase 3 of GP Connect DMS (Version 1.0 Draft D) created to support the DMS publication of changes made in Phase 2 with

  • Updates to the 'Get Record' FHIR RESTful interface to include the following structured sections: Encounters, Flags and Investigations (Diagnostic Order).

  • Additional sections added to the Composition resource with updates to the HTML example in response to feedback.

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft C

Phase 2

Phase 2 of GP Connect DMS (Version 1.0 Draft C) created to support the 'Get Record' FHIR RESTful interface with the following structured sections: Allergies, Diagnosis,
Immunisations, Medications, Observations, Problems and Procedures.

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft B

Phase 1

Phase 1 of GP Connect DMS (Version 1.0 Draft B) created to support the 'Get Record' FHIR RESTful interface with the following structured sections: Allergies, Diagnosis,
Medications and Problems.

Version: 1.0; Status: Draft A

Phase 0

First draft of GP Connect DMS (Version 1.0 Draft A) created to support the HTML View of the 'Get Record' FHIR RESTful interface.